Sunday, April 9, 2023

Dawn's Untrodden Green by Carolyn Miller

There is nothing like a wonderful Regency romance and Dawn’s Untrodden Green by Carolyn Miller is a wonderful Regency romance! Theodosia Stapleton lives in the tiny Northumberland and has accepted herself as a spinster who is taking care of family and lives in her sister’s shadow. Captain Daniel Balfour is a decorated war hero who is not comfortable with his fame. He comes to Northumberland to be with his niece after the passing of her mother and meets Theodosia.

“No man had ever expressed admiration for her before. Well, no man that she regarded highly has done so. And while her head still warned that she was most likely to have her heart broken if she dwelt too long on his words, she couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to venture into the realm of romance.”

This delightful character driven story has such depth and beauty. Captain Balfour is all things charitable and gracious who works to serve and care for others. Theodosia is a hospitable loving and considerate woman who shares her heart in such a contemplative way. I enjoyed walking with her as she shared her thoughts and struggles. It was a joy to connect with such a relatable heroine. The story’s themes of friendship, loving people for who they are and family resonated deeply with me. I adored this book.

Dawn’s Untrodden Green, drew me into Theodosia and Daniel’s world and I did not want to leave. The setting, themes, and beautiful characters made this a fantastic story that I will not soon forget. I very highly recommend Dawn’s Untrodden Green.

I was given a copy by the publisher and not required to write a positive review.

Carolyn Miller is an inspirational romance author who lives in the beautiful Southern Highlands of New South Wales, Australia with her husband and four children.

A longtime lover of romance, especially that of LM Montgomery, and Jane Austen and Georgette Heyer’s Regency era, Carolyn holds a BA in English Literature, and loves drawing readers into fictional worlds that show the truth of God’s grace in our lives. She enjoys music, films, gardens, art, travel, ice hockey and food.


  1. Oh, so happy you enjoyed reading this book! Thank you for visiting Theo and Daniel’s world and entering into their heart concerns so fully!
