Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Big Apple Atonement by Carolyn Miller

❓QOTD? Have you been to New York City? I have not. I have family in Western New York and have visited. My dream is to visit NYC and see a show.

Review: Big Apple Atonement by Carolyn Miller is the 5th in her Original Six Hockey series. The story is a stand alone, but we do hear about characters from other stories. Hockey player TJ Woensky causes problems by hurting other players, losing his temper, and having a bad attitude. Margarita (Emma) Moritello, Saint Margarita, runs a children’s home.  She is seen as a saint, but doesn’t feel that way.  

There is nothing like a wonderful redemption story.  I love a story where someone changes their life and becomes a better version of themselves. It is a good reminder to me that God offers incredible grace to all of us.  The characters in our story were interesting, thoughtful, and I enjoyed watching them work through their issues.  Fantastic secondary characters gave the story depth and made me want to visit them for Thanksgiving!  

I am becoming more of a hockey fan as I read this series, but know that you do not have to be one  to enjoy the story.  The themes of redemption, giving away your life, and extravagant grace spoke to my heart. The author has the gift of telling a story that speaks truth in a non-preachy way.  I highly recommend it. 

I was given a complimentary copy and not required to write a review.   

I'm an Inspirational romance author who lives in the beautiful Southern Highlands of New South Wales, Australia with my husband and four children. Together with my husband I pastored a church for ten years, and I've worked as a high school English and Learning and Support teacher. I love reading (especially Jane Austen and Georgette Heyer), music, films, gardens, art, travel and food. I really enjoy creating worlds where flawed people can grow in faith, hope and love. I am represented by Tamela Hancock Murray of the Steve Laube agency

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