Monday, August 19, 2024

Cole and Laila Are Just Friends by Bethany Turner


Cole and Laila Are Just Friends Bethany Turner is a sweet rom-com. Laila Olivet and Cole Kimball have been best friends since forever. They work together, know each other’s quirks and issues, and are rarely separated. Cole’s world is shattered after his grandfather’s death, and they take a trip to New York City to visit with old friends and make decisions. Will they ever be more than just friends?

I have been wondering about Cole and Laila since I first met them in Brynn and Sebastian Hate Each Other. I was very engaged in their friends to more story and enjoyed the dual POV, great dialogue, and chemistry between Laila and Cole. Their first true date was adorable and will become a classic.

The pop culture references, time in New York City, and sweet added to my enjoyment. I highly recommend Cold and Laila are Just Friends and hope you add it to your TBR.

I was given a copy by the publisher and not required to write a positive review.

Bethany Turner has been writing since the second grade, when she won her first writing award for explaining why, if she could have lunch with any person throughout history, she would choose John Stamos. She stands by this decision. Bethany now writes pop culture–infused rom-coms for a new generation of readers who crave fiction that tackles the thorny issues of life with humor and insight. She lives in Southwest Colorado with her husband, whom she met in the nineties in a chat room called Disco Inferno. As sketchy as it sounds, it worked out pretty well in this case, and they are now the proud parents of two grown sons. Text Bethany any time at (970) 387-7811, or connect with her across social media @seebethanywrite, where she clings to the eternal dream that John Stamos will someday send her a friend request.

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